Shipping Terms and Conditions

I. During checkout, shipping fees are calculated automatically through the UPS Live Rates shipping API, which bases the amount charged on the weight and sizes of items purchased. Automated packaging and handling fees are then added to this calculated amount. However, shipping information is not sent to UPS until the actual time of shipment, and there is a possibility that the automated shipping calculation (plus packaging and handling fees) charged at checkout may differ from the actual shipping amount calculated manually when your order is processed for shipping. In this situation, you will be notified in advance of shipment if the actual shipping fees vary from what is charged at checkout.

II. We ship MONDAY THROUGH THURSDAY ONLY!! This allows us to keep product from being delayed in transit (e.g., over a weekend or holiday), thus helping to avoid potential damage. If you are in a location that will take more than 2 days to arrive from Omaha, NE, depending on what day of the week you submit your order, it may not be shipped until THE FOLLOWING MONDAY OR TUESDAY.

III. Delivery Location Type:

A. Commercial addresses receive guaranteed delivery time (per UPS estimates).
B. Residential deliveries will be charged an additional UPS service fee per box.